Catholic Social Teaching
In response to injustices and violence in the world the Church has developed a body of teaching regarding social, political and economic issues. Inspired by Gospel values and lived experience, a number of principles for judgement and action have gradually been built up enabling analyses to be applied to different contexts. So people are supported in their struggle to live their faith in justice and peace.
The fundamental principle of all social teaching is the dignity of human person, made in the image of God, and so having fundamental freedom, dignity, rights and duties. Anything that reduces people to economic units or passive dependence is unacceptable.
Everyone has a duty to share in promoting the welfare of the community – the Common Good – and a right to benefit from that welfare. Public authorities exist mainly to promote the common good and to ensure that no section of the population is excluded.
As members of one human family, we have mutual obligations to promote the rights and development of peoples across communities and nations. Solidarity is the fundamental bond of unity with our fellow human beings and their resulting interdependence. At the same time, subsidiarity means all power and decision-making in society should be at the most local level compatible with the common good.
Fidelity to Christ at all times means an option for the poor, seeing him above all in the faces of suffering and wounded people.
The fundamental principle of all social teaching is the dignity of human person, made in the image of God, and so having fundamental freedom, dignity, rights and duties. Anything that reduces people to economic units or passive dependence is unacceptable.
Everyone has a duty to share in promoting the welfare of the community – the Common Good – and a right to benefit from that welfare. Public authorities exist mainly to promote the common good and to ensure that no section of the population is excluded.
As members of one human family, we have mutual obligations to promote the rights and development of peoples across communities and nations. Solidarity is the fundamental bond of unity with our fellow human beings and their resulting interdependence. At the same time, subsidiarity means all power and decision-making in society should be at the most local level compatible with the common good.
Fidelity to Christ at all times means an option for the poor, seeing him above all in the faces of suffering and wounded people.