Called to be Peacemakers
Venue: Zoom
Tuesday 26th November 2024 7pm - Cancelled
During our Justice and Peace Assembly on the 19th October Bishop William Kenney and Aisling Griffin ( Schools and Youth Education Officer ) Pax Christi talked to us on the theme of "Called to be Peacemakers"
Today you are invited to continue the debate on how we can become Peacemakers.
What practical steps can we take?
For information regarding our assembly please read our latest newsletter
Prayer of St Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is error, the truth;
where there is doubt, the faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Thank you to everyone who managed to join the zoom meeting.
Also thanks to Kris, Anna Blackman and James Trewby for hosting this event.
Please follow Youtube link to listen to the recording of the discussion.
Useful site to find out more information about your MP and your constituency
Concerns that people put into the chat
- Climate crisis
- People before profits
- Child benefit for the third child
- Peace and Justice Moral as well as Common Home wise ….actively involved in opposing Assisted Dying and Abortion decriminalization as a Doctor
- Share wealth evenly across all.
- Redistribution of wealth and help for the poorest amongst us.
- Treating everyone equally
- Housing, Use of Fossil fuels, Food poverty
- Environment issue
- Homelessness. Child poverty
- Climate crisis
- Climate and loss of biodiversity crises
- youth violence and knife crime
- Tackling poverty and inequality
- Green Party are morally dubious and as seen in Scotland especially oppose faith
- populism; fake news
- Community and communities of every size and location
- Overseas Aid, increase our overseas aid back to the level that it was
- Refugees and asylum seekers. Peace and disarmament. Environmentalism (+speakers)
Preparing for the forth coming General Election.
Our next Forum will be held on Tuesday the 7th May
Archdiocese of Birmingham Justice and Peace Commission
Venue: Zoom
Tuesday 7th May 2024 7pm
The evening will be led by Anna Blackman and James Trewby
Anna Blackman is a Lecturer in Catholic Religious Education at the University of Glasgow. Prior to her time at Glasgow, she lectured at the universities of Roehampton, Durham, Newcastle, and Tubingen, as well as working as a Research Associate in the area of Catholic social thought and practice at the Centre for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame.
She serves on the Columban Missionaries in Britain's Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee, the Catholic Nonviolence Education Committee,and co-chairs the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church's roundtable on nonviolence and just peace. Anna has also worked with the London, Glasgow, and South Bend, IN, Catholic Workers.
James Trewby is the Columban’s Justice, Peace and Ecology (JPE) Co-ordinator and Education Worker.
In this role he helps young people and educators explore the relationship between faith and action, where possible through experience and encounter; “A life unlike your own can be your teacher” (St Columban).
James is a qualified teacher with an MSc in ‘Education and Training for Development’ and a PhD exploring life stories of activist educators. He has volunteered and worked for the Salesians and the Columbans and has varied experiences of community life, prayer, supporting volunteers, social action and activism. None of this adequately prepared him for having two small children.
Planned format for the evening:
1) Kris welcome, introductions
2) Prayer – Spiritual Reflection – What are important topics for you in this election? Doodle
3) Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and Democracy (5 mins intro; 10 mins small groups; 5 feedback)
Overview – Reflection in small groups on key quotes.
4) How can we engage practically?
Reflection on Catholic Social Teaching - what resources are available to share that are relevant to an election
5) Action Plan
Heard ideas/key issues – how we move forward? Key pledges as i) individuals ii) a collective
Any support needed to go forward with pledges?
(breakout group)
6) Conclusion and thanks - Kris
How do we make the climate crisis a priority election issue?
Tuesday 23rd January
Here are the links to the recordings which are now on YouTube:
Links that were included in chat:
other helpful links:
The Letter
Laudato Si Movemnet
Laudate Deum
Catholic Church Bishops Conference – Environment page
Need for Church to disseminate information down on climate crisis and CST
Poverty and home energy efficiency. Signposting
Need for politicians to join the dots.
Parishes not always interested in issue but also individuals may feel overwhelmed by the issue.
Important to help people understand the link between faith and politics, promulgate Catholic Social Teaching.
Join up with other groups such as Christian Climate Action, XR, Greenpeace
Use Synodal process, (conversations in the Spirit, etc.). Process can also reveal peoples interests and talents.
Join in with publicity stunts, although it was pointed out that the perception of the general public on their effectiveness may be negative and there may also be resistance to such actions at parish level.
Engage with or initiate community tree planting.
Try and ensure that the environment is on every parish group’s agenda.
Work ecumenically. See if your local ecumenical body (Churches Together in …….) are organizing a hustings. Ensure climate crisis questions are included.
Research political parties position on the climate crisis, what does their manifesto say?
Many areas will have council elections in May – engage
Many constituency boundaries have changed: check them so that people can engage with the right MP of councilor.
Work with local schools
Use online agents e.g. 38 degrees, or Avazz
Use social media, local newspapers, radio stations. Challenge fake news and untruths from extreme right wing media
Working towards the Live Simply award can be useful for community engagement in a parish and political lobbying could form part of the Action Plan.
Diocesan Trustees
Jesuits in Birmingham (Harborne)
Show the film The Letter
Columban magazine Vocation for Justice May edition to be an election special
The West Midlands Climate Coalition. This “campaigns to harmonise the climate action plans of the West Midlands Combined Authority and its constituent parts with those of the IPCC and UN.”
Use the available Laudato Si training. Laudato Si Action Platform
Expected CBCEW statement.
Thank you to everyone who attended
Tuesday 23rd January
Here are the links to the recordings which are now on YouTube:
Links that were included in chat:
other helpful links:
The Letter
Laudato Si Movemnet
Laudate Deum
Catholic Church Bishops Conference – Environment page
Need for Church to disseminate information down on climate crisis and CST
Poverty and home energy efficiency. Signposting
Need for politicians to join the dots.
Parishes not always interested in issue but also individuals may feel overwhelmed by the issue.
Important to help people understand the link between faith and politics, promulgate Catholic Social Teaching.
Join up with other groups such as Christian Climate Action, XR, Greenpeace
Use Synodal process, (conversations in the Spirit, etc.). Process can also reveal peoples interests and talents.
Join in with publicity stunts, although it was pointed out that the perception of the general public on their effectiveness may be negative and there may also be resistance to such actions at parish level.
Engage with or initiate community tree planting.
Try and ensure that the environment is on every parish group’s agenda.
Work ecumenically. See if your local ecumenical body (Churches Together in …….) are organizing a hustings. Ensure climate crisis questions are included.
Research political parties position on the climate crisis, what does their manifesto say?
Many areas will have council elections in May – engage
Many constituency boundaries have changed: check them so that people can engage with the right MP of councilor.
Work with local schools
Use online agents e.g. 38 degrees, or Avazz
Use social media, local newspapers, radio stations. Challenge fake news and untruths from extreme right wing media
Working towards the Live Simply award can be useful for community engagement in a parish and political lobbying could form part of the Action Plan.
Diocesan Trustees
Jesuits in Birmingham (Harborne)
Show the film The Letter
Columban magazine Vocation for Justice May edition to be an election special
The West Midlands Climate Coalition. This “campaigns to harmonise the climate action plans of the West Midlands Combined Authority and its constituent parts with those of the IPCC and UN.”
Use the available Laudato Si training. Laudato Si Action Platform
Expected CBCEW statement.
Thank you to everyone who attended
Thank you to all those who joined us.
The presentation was recorded.
The feedback was also recorded.
Thank you to everyone who booked onto yesterday’s Justice and Peace Forum and for all those who were able to attend.
Please find below links to yesterdays Forum recordings which I hope you find useful. - Presentation - Feedback and discussion
Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Topic Catholic Social teaching in our society today
"Where is Catholic Social Teaching evident in our Society today?
An attempt to discover the principles of CST at work in our society; where these are being followed or applied; and where they could improve society in cases where these are absent."
Please use link or QR code to book on
Please find below links to yesterdays Forum recordings which I hope you find useful. - Presentation - Feedback and discussion
Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Topic Catholic Social teaching in our society today
"Where is Catholic Social Teaching evident in our Society today?
An attempt to discover the principles of CST at work in our society; where these are being followed or applied; and where they could improve society in cases where these are absent."
Please use link or QR code to book on
Our next Forum is on Tuesday 22nd November,
Next Tuesday, 22nd November at 7pm we will be having our Justice and Peace forum,
This month we plan to discuss:-
Walk Together
How can the Gospel message of Justice and Peace be heard more effectively and responded to in our parishes and diocese?
Download.ashx (
There are three key concepts that shape walking together:
Communion - These conversations lead to conversion to Christ and commitment to active
participation in the life of the Church and the mission given by Christ.
Participation - The people of God talk with one another and listen to one another about
questions that matter.
Mission - The communion exists for a common purpose; mission flows naturally from the
experience of walking together: ‘listening, discerning, proclaiming’.
Try to make listening your special gift as we grow into the habits of ‘listening, discerning and
proclaiming’. There will be much to hear, and much to tell. However, the experience of walking
together is just as significant as we seek to become, even more, a Synodal Church.
Discussion Forum Tuesday 23rd November has been cancelled and replaced by
Laudato Si Action Platform and LiveSimply : Tuesday 30 November 5:00pm – 6:15pm
Online event to find out how the new Laudato Si Action Platform will work and how we as livesimply communities can be part of this Global Catholic journey of ecological conversion being promoted by Pope Francis and the Vatican. Presented by Monica Conmee and Maria Elena Arana.
Register at : Online talks and presentations | CAFOD
Next Tuesday, 22nd November at 7pm we will be having our Justice and Peace forum,
This month we plan to discuss:-
- What is happening in the parishes about Climate Action?
- Initial thoughts on cop27.
- What happens now at Parish / Diocesan Level?
- What can we do as an individual level?
Walk Together
How can the Gospel message of Justice and Peace be heard more effectively and responded to in our parishes and diocese?
Download.ashx (
There are three key concepts that shape walking together:
Communion - These conversations lead to conversion to Christ and commitment to active
participation in the life of the Church and the mission given by Christ.
Participation - The people of God talk with one another and listen to one another about
questions that matter.
Mission - The communion exists for a common purpose; mission flows naturally from the
experience of walking together: ‘listening, discerning, proclaiming’.
Try to make listening your special gift as we grow into the habits of ‘listening, discerning and
proclaiming’. There will be much to hear, and much to tell. However, the experience of walking
together is just as significant as we seek to become, even more, a Synodal Church.
Discussion Forum Tuesday 23rd November has been cancelled and replaced by
Laudato Si Action Platform and LiveSimply : Tuesday 30 November 5:00pm – 6:15pm
Online event to find out how the new Laudato Si Action Platform will work and how we as livesimply communities can be part of this Global Catholic journey of ecological conversion being promoted by Pope Francis and the Vatican. Presented by Monica Conmee and Maria Elena Arana.
Register at : Online talks and presentations | CAFOD
This Forum took place via
Zoom on Tuesday 27th July at 7pm
The Laudato Si Action Platform
Date: 27th July 2021
Time: 7pm
Venue: Zoom
The Laudato Si’ Goals guide our actions. They redefine and rebuild our relationship with each other and our common home. Their holistic approach acknowledges the planetary limits of all socioeconomic systems and the human roots of the ecological crisis. They call for a spiritual and cultural revolution to realise integral ecology.
How do we understand what all this means to us? During the break out session each group will try to look at one of the 7 topics.
The proposed agenda for the evening is:
18:45 People can start joining the forum
19:00 Welcome by Canon Gerry
19:05 Introduction to this evening – Phil and Canon Gerry
19:20 Break out
- Response to the Cry of the Earth
- Response to the Cry of the Poor
- Ecological Economics (voting with your wallet)
- Adoption of Sustainable Life styles
- Ecological Education
- Ecological Spirituality
- Community Engagement and Participatory Action
19:50 Feedback from groups
20:10 Dates for your diary, September Month of Creation,
Our online Assembly 27th September to 3rd October
Our next Discussion Forum Tuesday 27th November
20:15 Closing Prayers Canon Gerry
Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 7pm. On Zoom
Please follow YouTube link to watch past meetings
Video link
Environmental Policy including any feedback from trustees – Phil and Canon Gerry
Links to Environmental Documents
For latest updates please check our News and Events page and our Diary page.
Within this site you can find information about important dates within the Justice and Peace year, links to other agencies involved with Justice and Peace and resources to download to help in your existing or new Justice and Peace activities.
Zoom on Tuesday 27th July at 7pm
The Laudato Si Action Platform
Date: 27th July 2021
Time: 7pm
Venue: Zoom
The Laudato Si’ Goals guide our actions. They redefine and rebuild our relationship with each other and our common home. Their holistic approach acknowledges the planetary limits of all socioeconomic systems and the human roots of the ecological crisis. They call for a spiritual and cultural revolution to realise integral ecology.
How do we understand what all this means to us? During the break out session each group will try to look at one of the 7 topics.
The proposed agenda for the evening is:
18:45 People can start joining the forum
19:00 Welcome by Canon Gerry
19:05 Introduction to this evening – Phil and Canon Gerry
19:20 Break out
- Response to the Cry of the Earth
- Response to the Cry of the Poor
- Ecological Economics (voting with your wallet)
- Adoption of Sustainable Life styles
- Ecological Education
- Ecological Spirituality
- Community Engagement and Participatory Action
19:50 Feedback from groups
20:10 Dates for your diary, September Month of Creation,
Our online Assembly 27th September to 3rd October
Our next Discussion Forum Tuesday 27th November
20:15 Closing Prayers Canon Gerry
Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 7pm. On Zoom
Please follow YouTube link to watch past meetings
Video link
Environmental Policy including any feedback from trustees – Phil and Canon Gerry
Links to Environmental Documents
For latest updates please check our News and Events page and our Diary page.
Within this site you can find information about important dates within the Justice and Peace year, links to other agencies involved with Justice and Peace and resources to download to help in your existing or new Justice and Peace activities.
The Birmingham Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission is funded by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham and the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) and is a member of the Caritas - Archdiocese of Birmingham Network