Justice and Peace Online Assembly 2021
Let Us Dream: "The Path to a Better Future"
Session 1: The Diocesan Plan for the Environment:
Date: Monday 27th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:50pm
Led by: Eric Kirwan
Introduced: Canon Gerry / Phil
'Statement of Intent' for the Archdiocese of Birmingham, with a programme of actions to be undertaken. It is hoped that this will serve as a springboard for the whole of the Diocese to respond to Pope Francis' plea to hear the 'Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor' and to begin or continue the journey of ecological conversion.
Eric Kirwan is the Chief Operating Officer for the Archdiocese, with effect from Monday 8 March 2021.
Currently the Chair of Directors at Holy Family Catholic Multi-Academy Company (MAC) in Warwickshire. Prior to taking up this role he was a successful Chief Executive Officer with experience in both the private and charity sectors.
He is a parishioner and church warden at St Francis Catholic Church in Kenilworth and has been active in the parish community for many years.
Eric joins the Archdiocese following David Brooks’ retirement from the post. David had held the role since 2018.
Prior to his role at the Holy Family MAC, Eric was CEO at Modulex A/S in Denmark for several years.
Eric also holds the role of Non Executive Director at Snap Vision, UK. A role held since 2012 at an award-winning visual search and AI company.
[email protected]
Link to view Eric's talk
Session 2: A Time to See:
Date: Wednesday 29th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Led by: Canon Gerry
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 11-47
“Sometimes, when you think globally, you can be paralysed: there are so many places of apparently ceaseless conflict, there’s so much suffering and need. I find it helps to focus on concrete situations: you see faces looking for life and love in the reality of each person, of each people. You see hope written in the story of every nation, glorious because it’s a story of sacrifice, of daily struggle, of lives broken in self-sacrifice. So rather than overwhelm you, it invites you to ponder and to respond with hope.” (p11)
Session 3: A Time to Choose
Date: Friday 1st October
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Led by: Barbara Nicholson
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 51-72
Between the first step, which is to come close and allow yourself to be struck by what you see, and the third step, which is to act concretely to heal and repair, there is an essential intermediate stage: to discern, and to choose. A time of trial is always a time of distinguishing the path of the good that lead to the future from other paths that lead nowhere or backward. With clarity, we can better choose the first. (p51)
Session 4: A Time to Act
Date: Sunday 3rd October
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 pm
Led by: Philip Mayland
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 98-144
We must not let the current clarifying moment pass us by. Let it not be said, in years to come, that in response to the coronavirus we failed to act to restore the dignity of our peoples, to recover our memory and to remember our roots. (p99)
God of our hopes and dreams,
the love you offer always exceeds the furthest expression of our human longing,
for you are greater than the human heart.
By the power of your Spirit,
make us dreamers of your dream for ourselves and for our world.
Give us the faith and vision to make that dream a reality.
Direct each thought, effort of our life,
so that the limits of our faults and weaknesses
may not obscure the vision of your glory.
or keep us from the peace you have promised.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Let Us Dream: "The Path to a Better Future"
Session 1: The Diocesan Plan for the Environment:
Date: Monday 27th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:50pm
Led by: Eric Kirwan
Introduced: Canon Gerry / Phil
'Statement of Intent' for the Archdiocese of Birmingham, with a programme of actions to be undertaken. It is hoped that this will serve as a springboard for the whole of the Diocese to respond to Pope Francis' plea to hear the 'Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor' and to begin or continue the journey of ecological conversion.
Eric Kirwan is the Chief Operating Officer for the Archdiocese, with effect from Monday 8 March 2021.
Currently the Chair of Directors at Holy Family Catholic Multi-Academy Company (MAC) in Warwickshire. Prior to taking up this role he was a successful Chief Executive Officer with experience in both the private and charity sectors.
He is a parishioner and church warden at St Francis Catholic Church in Kenilworth and has been active in the parish community for many years.
Eric joins the Archdiocese following David Brooks’ retirement from the post. David had held the role since 2018.
Prior to his role at the Holy Family MAC, Eric was CEO at Modulex A/S in Denmark for several years.
Eric also holds the role of Non Executive Director at Snap Vision, UK. A role held since 2012 at an award-winning visual search and AI company.
[email protected]
Link to view Eric's talk
Session 2: A Time to See:
Date: Wednesday 29th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Led by: Canon Gerry
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 11-47
“Sometimes, when you think globally, you can be paralysed: there are so many places of apparently ceaseless conflict, there’s so much suffering and need. I find it helps to focus on concrete situations: you see faces looking for life and love in the reality of each person, of each people. You see hope written in the story of every nation, glorious because it’s a story of sacrifice, of daily struggle, of lives broken in self-sacrifice. So rather than overwhelm you, it invites you to ponder and to respond with hope.” (p11)
Session 3: A Time to Choose
Date: Friday 1st October
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Led by: Barbara Nicholson
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 51-72
Between the first step, which is to come close and allow yourself to be struck by what you see, and the third step, which is to act concretely to heal and repair, there is an essential intermediate stage: to discern, and to choose. A time of trial is always a time of distinguishing the path of the good that lead to the future from other paths that lead nowhere or backward. With clarity, we can better choose the first. (p51)
Session 4: A Time to Act
Date: Sunday 3rd October
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 pm
Led by: Philip Mayland
Abstract: Let us Dream, pages 98-144
We must not let the current clarifying moment pass us by. Let it not be said, in years to come, that in response to the coronavirus we failed to act to restore the dignity of our peoples, to recover our memory and to remember our roots. (p99)
God of our hopes and dreams,
the love you offer always exceeds the furthest expression of our human longing,
for you are greater than the human heart.
By the power of your Spirit,
make us dreamers of your dream for ourselves and for our world.
Give us the faith and vision to make that dream a reality.
Direct each thought, effort of our life,
so that the limits of our faults and weaknesses
may not obscure the vision of your glory.
or keep us from the peace you have promised.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Justice and Peace Online Assembly 2020
Links to each session video recording on YouTube
Session 1: Ecological Conversion:
Date: Monday 28th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Speaker: John Paul de Quay
Chair: Ann Kelly
An examination of conscience is a useful tool in looking at the state of our relationships with God, neighbour, and our planet. The planet part is not always obvious in regular examens. We will explore this idea through an examen we designed to bear in mind integral ecology, drawing attention to our relationships with God, neighbour, and planet through images of everyday objects such as electronics, clothes, vehicles, and food.
John Paul de Quay runs Arundel and Brighton’s The Journey to 2030 project which is a campaign run by the Ecological conversion Group. It aims to help us as a Church act to tackle our ecological crisis and climate change through community action.
In print: https://theecg.org/shop/
Downloadable files: https://theecg.org/eco-examen/
The Journey to 2030 Magazine: https://journeyto2030.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/JOURNEY-TO-2030-YEAR-OF-THE-COCKEREL-1.pdf
Video link
Session 2: Plan the Future – the climate emergency, building back better and COP 26:
Date: Wednesday 30th September
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Speaker: Neil Thorns; CAFOD Director of Advocacy and Education.
Chair: Philip Mayland
Abstract: In these times Pope Francis tells us to “Plan the Future not Plan for the Future”. The Climate Emergency was already having a devastating effect on poor communities before Coronavirus struck. In the wake of the global crisis this pandemic has caused we must take the opportunity to build back our world in a greener, fairer and sustainable way. Pope Francis’s call has never been more urgent.
Neil is responsible for CAFODs work in addressing the root causes of poverty through its campaigns, policy and direct engagement with governments. This work is often undertaken with sister agencies across the world and the Vatican. Neil is also Chair of the Climate Coalition which brings together over 100 organisations in the UK for action on climate change.
Video link to 2nd Session
Session 3: Local Government Responsibilities:
Date: Friday 2nd October
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm
Speaker: Dr Jacqueline Homan, Head of Environment WMCA
Chair: Barbara Nicholson
Through my career, I have been interested in how people interact with their environment, whether that be dealing with exposure to acute risks or mitigating potential effects from climate change. I have been drawn to working in cities (largely in Europe) as spaces where people, place and solutions can be brought together to create system change. I have largely worked in the government space, seeing the public sector as a huge enabler for change.
Specialties: European funding, innovation and science policy, project delivery
Video link to 3rd Session
Chats from 3rd session
Session 4: Evening Service of Prayer for the Feast of St Francis in the Spirit of Laudato Si’ and caring for our common home
Date: Sunday 4th October
Time: 7:00 to 7:45 pm
Lead by: Fr. Gerry with the participation of Archbishop Bernard
Music by: Jo Boyce https://www.cjmmusic.com/
Video link 4th Session, Sunday Service
Archbishop Bernard's words for reflection
Chats from 4th Session
2019 Assembly information and links to photographs
Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Assembly.
Follow link to see photographs from the day. http://bit.ly/2VMeDJC
Thank you to all those who helped to organise the event and those who helped on the day.
We would also like to thank biopac for supplying us with the cups and a set of samples to show to people.
Brief overview of the day
‘Baptised and Sent - our call to be missionary disciples’ was the theme of the annual Justice and Peace Assembly, organised by the Birmingham Archdiocese Justice & Peace Commission and the Columban Missionary Society at St. Peter’s School, Solihull, on Saturday 12 October. Based on the ‘See, Judge, Act’ model, participants learnt about mission from a variety of perspectives and about engagement in practical action for justice, peace and care of creation. More than 100 people attended from parishes across the archdiocese. The day was facilitated by Sr Anna O’Connor of the Justice & Peace Commission and James Trewby, the Columban Education Worker. School staff and students – including Headteacher Mrs Murphy – were attentive hosts.
Morning sessions ranged from global and local mission perspectives and interreligious dialogue delivered by Columban priests and lay co-workers, to ‘Youth and Mission’ by the Birmingham Diocesan youth team. For ‘Church Community on Mission’, ecumenical partner Olton Baptist Church members talked about missionary outreach to their local area. The action workshops in the afternoon looked at mission with young people, Liturgy and Mission, justice and peace action and how to become a LiveSimply parish.
Mass concluded the day, where the main celebrant was Fr Gerard Murray, Chair of the Commission. In his homily, Columban Director Peter Hughes spoke about Columban mission responding to the “Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor”, based on the encyclical Laudato Si’, and his own three decades of mission in Chile. Bidding prayers were offered for the success of Columban mission, the Synod on Amazonia and in thanksgiving for the life and witness of St. John Henry Newman.
Follow link to see photographs from the day. http://bit.ly/2VMeDJC
Thank you to all those who helped to organise the event and those who helped on the day.
We would also like to thank biopac for supplying us with the cups and a set of samples to show to people.
Brief overview of the day
‘Baptised and Sent - our call to be missionary disciples’ was the theme of the annual Justice and Peace Assembly, organised by the Birmingham Archdiocese Justice & Peace Commission and the Columban Missionary Society at St. Peter’s School, Solihull, on Saturday 12 October. Based on the ‘See, Judge, Act’ model, participants learnt about mission from a variety of perspectives and about engagement in practical action for justice, peace and care of creation. More than 100 people attended from parishes across the archdiocese. The day was facilitated by Sr Anna O’Connor of the Justice & Peace Commission and James Trewby, the Columban Education Worker. School staff and students – including Headteacher Mrs Murphy – were attentive hosts.
Morning sessions ranged from global and local mission perspectives and interreligious dialogue delivered by Columban priests and lay co-workers, to ‘Youth and Mission’ by the Birmingham Diocesan youth team. For ‘Church Community on Mission’, ecumenical partner Olton Baptist Church members talked about missionary outreach to their local area. The action workshops in the afternoon looked at mission with young people, Liturgy and Mission, justice and peace action and how to become a LiveSimply parish.
Mass concluded the day, where the main celebrant was Fr Gerard Murray, Chair of the Commission. In his homily, Columban Director Peter Hughes spoke about Columban mission responding to the “Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor”, based on the encyclical Laudato Si’, and his own three decades of mission in Chile. Bidding prayers were offered for the success of Columban mission, the Synod on Amazonia and in thanksgiving for the life and witness of St. John Henry Newman.
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Link to Photographs taken on the day
Nicholas Hanrahan - Community Outreach Officer Jesuit Refugee Services UK
Link to presentation
PowerPoint with Speakers Notes
David Newall - Project Manager Brush Strokes
Link to presentation
Link to Photographs taken on the day
Nicholas Hanrahan - Community Outreach Officer Jesuit Refugee Services UK
Link to presentation
PowerPoint with Speakers Notes
David Newall - Project Manager Brush Strokes
Link to presentation