Dear Contact
Our French colleagues are planning an action in Calais on Saturday 26 September, protesting about the lack of access to fresh water and showers for the exiles surviving in and around the town. On the UK side, we have launched a petition in solidarity which we intend to hand in to the French Embassy and the Home Office on 25 or 26 September. (Precise details of places and times are yet to be determined, and will be advised later by email and on our social media channels.)
We will be grateful if you can let your contacts know about this and encourage them to sign up and get family and friends to do the same. Perhaps some can join us in London or organise a symbolic event locally?
"To The French and UK Governments: Recognise people's basic human rights and offer safe routes to asylum in the UK"
Our goal is to reach 5000 signatures, for which we need support! People can read more and sign the petition here:
Phil Kerton - for People not Walls, UK.
Our French colleagues are planning an action in Calais on Saturday 26 September, protesting about the lack of access to fresh water and showers for the exiles surviving in and around the town. On the UK side, we have launched a petition in solidarity which we intend to hand in to the French Embassy and the Home Office on 25 or 26 September. (Precise details of places and times are yet to be determined, and will be advised later by email and on our social media channels.)
We will be grateful if you can let your contacts know about this and encourage them to sign up and get family and friends to do the same. Perhaps some can join us in London or organise a symbolic event locally?
"To The French and UK Governments: Recognise people's basic human rights and offer safe routes to asylum in the UK"
Our goal is to reach 5000 signatures, for which we need support! People can read more and sign the petition here:
Phil Kerton - for People not Walls, UK.